University of Virginia Library

October 23rd. Wednesday 1805

Took the canoes over the Portage on the Lard. Side with
much dificulty, description on another Paper one canoe got
loose & cought by the Indians which we were obliged to pay
our old Chiefs over herd the Indians from below say they
would try to kill us & informed us of it, we have all the
arms examined and put in order, all the Indians leave us early.
Great numbers of flees on the Lard Side. Shot a Sea Orter
[otter] which I did not get, Great Numbers about those
rapids we purchased 8 dogs, Small & fat for our party to
eate, the Indians not verry fond of selling their good fish,
compells us to make use of dogs for food. Exchanged our
small canoe for a large & verry new one built for riding the
waves obsd Merdn Altd 66° 27′ 30″. Latd. prodsd. 45° 42′ 57″3/10