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1. My translation of the Lun-hêng is based on the text contained in
the [OMITTED], 110 vols., printed in Wuchang, 1875. The text agrees
with that of the [OMITTED], it is clearer than that of the latter work
in my possession, but not punctuated as the Han Wei ts`ung-shu is.

2. I quote the Classics from Legge's translation. For the Liki and
the Yiking, of which Legge does not give the Chinese text, I have used
the [OMITTED], 10 vols., printed in Nanking, 1893, and the
[OMITTED], 2 vols., by [OMITTED], printed in Nanking in the same year.

3. The Dynastic Histories:—the [OMITTED], the two [OMITTED], the [OMITTED]
[OMITTED], and the [OMITTED] are quoted from the [OMITTED], Shanghai
edition 1894.

4. For the Philosophers:—[OMITTED],
and [OMITTED] the [OMITTED], 24 vols., printed in Soochow 1804, has
been used.

5. [OMITTED], the [OMITTED], and the [OMITTED] are quoted from
the [OMITTED] (see above).

Besides I have made use of the:—

6. [OMITTED], 120 vols., edited by [OMITTED] in 1812.

7. [OMITTED], 100 vols., Canton reprint of 1868.

8. [OMITTED], 144 vols., by [OMITTED] 1792.

9. [OMITTED], 2 vols., by [OMITTED], printed in Shanghai in 1895.