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Election of Professors Emeriti
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Election of Professors Emeriti

  • The following resolution was adopted:
    RESOLVED that the following person(s) be and he/she/they is hereby elected Professor Emeritus:
  • Dr. Robert M. Blizzard, Professor of Pediatrics, effective June 30, 1993.
  • Mr. Avery Catlin, University Professor of Engineering, effective January 15, 1994.
  • Mr. James C. Dunstan, Professor of Business Administration, effective May 31, 1993.
  • Mr. Robert E. Ireland, Thomas Jefferson Professor of Chemistry, effective January 15, 1994.
  • Mr. John F. Leahy, Professor of Education, effective January 15, 1994.
  • Mr. John C. McCoid, O.M. Vicars Professor of Law, effective January 15, 1994.
  • Mr. Theodore W. Rall, Professor of Pharmacology, effective April 30, 1993.