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May the 17th.. Thursday 1804

A fair day compelled to punish for misconduct, Several
Kickapoos Indians visit me to day, George Drewyer arrive.

Took equal altitudes of Suns L L made it 84° - 39′ - 15″ ap. T.

A. M.  8 h - 35′ - 40″  P. M.  3h - 23′ - 24″ 
8 - 37 - 50  3 - 24 - 50 
8 - 38 - 20  3 - 25 - 50 

Measured the river found it to be 720 yards Wide, a Keel
Boat came up to day. Several of the inhabitents Came abord
to day, reseved Several Speces of vegatables from the inhabitents
to day