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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:
  • Mr. Gary K. Ackers, Associate Professor, to Professor of Biochemistry, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Houston A. Baker, Associate Professor to Professor of English, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Charles W. Beegle, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Lester F. Belter, Clinical Assistant Professor, to Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, for one year, effective July 1, 1972.
  • Miss Linda R. Berner, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Nursing, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. S. Michael Bernhard, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Frederic A. Berry, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Phillip J. Best, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Jean M. Bonin, Junior Instructor, to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Jeannette A. Brown, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Charles S. Chen, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. William E. Craddock, Associate Professor, to Professor of Radiology, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. John S. Davis, IV, Associate Professor, to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Frederick A. Diehl, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Biology, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Sven O. E. Ebbesson, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and of Anatomy, to Professor of Neurosurgery, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Jean C. Ervin, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Jack C. Fisher, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Michael Fowler, Associate Professor to Professor of Physics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Joseph E. Gibson, Associate Professor, to Professor of Commerce, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Daniel L. Gothie, Instructor and Librarian to Assistant Professor and Librarian, Graduate School of Business Administration, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Peter Hackett, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. John F. Hahn, Associate Professor to Professor of Psychology, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Wesley L. Harris, Sr., Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Martin J. Havran, Associate Professor to Professor of History, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Terring W. Heironimus, III, Associate Professor, to Professor of Anesthesiology, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Edmond H. Henderson, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. John S. Horsley, III, Associate Professor, to Professor of Surgery, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Alan B. Howard, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of English, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. James G. Hunter, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. William A. Jesser, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Materials Science, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. David C. Jordan, Associate Professor to Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Gordon E. Keller, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. James L. Kelly, Associate Professor, to Professor of Nuclear Engineering, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. H. Lane Kneedler, III, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Law, effective July 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED], plus 20 percent for summer work, and $[OMITTED]for administrative duties, or a total salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Thomas L. Kriete, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Allan M. Lefer, Associate Professor, to Professor of Physiology, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Joan Leiby, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Gerald L. Mandell, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Susan O. Marcell, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Kenneth L. Marcellus, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Marine Science, for three years, effective June 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Richard B. Martin, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Jerry L. Mashaw, Associate Professor, to Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Kevin M. McCrimmon, Associate Professor to Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. William S. McKee, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Richard A. Merrill, Associate Professor, to Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. H. C. Erik Midelfort, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of History, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Willys M. Monroe, Clinical Assistant Professor, to Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, for one year, effective July 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Jeffrey B. Morton, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Edith K. Mosher, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective July 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED], plus 20 percent for summer work, or a total salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Richard A. Murphy, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Physiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. William I. Neikirk, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. William M. O'Brien, Associate Professor, to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Edwina H. Pancake, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Loren D. Pitt, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Michael F. Plunkett, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Ganas K. Rakes, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. William G. Ray, Junior Instructor, to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Louise C. Richards, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Nancy B. Richards, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. John T. Roberts, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Hindi, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Rafael Rubio, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Physiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Leslie E. Rudolf, Associate Professor, to Professor of Surgery, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. John A. Ryland, Junior Instructor, to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Edmund F. SantaVicca, Junior Instructor, to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. William C. Saslaw, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective September 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Jean M. Scanlan, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Nursing, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. William G. Shenkir, Associate Professor, to Professor of Commerce, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Philip T. Shiner, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine and of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective August 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Jerry G. Short, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Charles Sisson, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Larry Smith, Associate Professor to Professor of Mathematics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Lewis E. Snyder, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Ann L. Stauffenberg, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972 at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Lauren C. Stayton, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. John L. Sullivan, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Speech and Drama, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Linda A. Sundholm, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Kanubhai D. Suthar, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Miss Mary L. Thomas, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Stephen T. Thornton, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Physics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Curtis J. Tompkins, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, for five academic years, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. William N. Toomy, Lecturer, to Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Albert R. Turnbull, Associate Professor, to Professor of Law, effective July 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED], plus 20 percent for summer work or a total salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Ulysses G. Turner, III, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Don E. Uhl, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED]
  • Mr. Carlos Villar-Palasi, Associate Professor, to Professor of Pharmacology, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Vamik Volkan, Associate Professor, to Professor of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. James W. Waller, Junior Instructor to Instructor, Alderman Library, for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Stephen L. Wangensteen, Associate Professor, to Professor of Surgery, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Munsey S. Wheby, Associate Professor, to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Robert S. Wood, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Dr. Arthur W. Wyker, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of Urology, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of $[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Klaus O. H. Ziock, Associate Professor to Professor of Physics, effective September 1, 1972, at a session salary of $[OMITTED].