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He whom we call a commoner[2] is one whose mouth is incapable
of speaking good words, and whose mind is incapable of knowing
the methods of the Former Kings. He moves without knowing
what to attend to; he takes a stand without knowing wherein to
establish himself. Every day he chooses things without knowing
what to value. He does not know enough to select sages and fine
gentlemen to whom he might entrust himself. He lets himself
be carried along by the world, not knowing whither to return. He
is controlled by the five emotions;[3] his mind is impaired by
following them, but he never turns back. Thus his actions endanger
his body, and his repose brings shame to his reputation.
The Ode says,[4]

That man is bad,
Ever varying in his conduct.

This is abridged from Hsün-tzŭ 20.14a-b. TTLC 1.5b is closer to Hsün-tzŭ, while
Chia-yü 1.23a-b diverges considerably from all the others.


Hsün-tzŭ, TTLC, and Chia-yü introduce this with "Duke Ai said, `I venture to
ask what are the characteristics of one who is called a commoner?' " [OMITTED]
[OMITTED]. The reply is attributed to Confucius.


[OMITTED] B, C have [OMITTED] for [OMITTED]. Hsün-tzŭ and TTLC have [OMITTED] for [OMITTED], and
Chou prefers that reading. The "five viscera"—heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys,
require the reading [OMITTED]: "His five viscera are not controlled." [OMITTED] is variously defined
by Yang Liang as the five apertures: ear, eye, nose, mouth, and heart, or the five
emotions: joy, anger, grief, pleasure, and resentment. Hao I-hsing and Wang Nien-sun
prefer the latter, and so in the translation.


Shih 418 No. 229/7.