University of Virginia Library

Octr. 10th. 1805 Thursday.

Set out at 7 oClock

South  mile passed a bad rapid at the head of an Isd. on Ld. Side 
S. 20°. W.  1 ½  miles to a Ld bend, passed a Isd. on Ld Side. rapid
at the head bad. passed Lower pt. of the other
[island] at the mouth of a run on Stard
West  ½  to a Std bend passed a small Isd. Ld Side and a rapid 
S. 30°. W.  miles to a Ld bend passed a creek coming [in] on the
Ld Side at ½ a mile on which is cotton wood
bottoms Inds camp below the Creek 
West  miles to the head of an Isd at a bad rapid on both
side current on the right side 
S. 30°. W.  mile pd. a rapid at Lower point of Isd & rapid at 1 mile,
a rapid at 1 ½ miles rockey bottoms on each side
a rapid at 2 ½ miles a run & (Indn camp) on Stard
Side at 3 miles a rapid at 3 ½ miles to a Lard bend,
low plain 100 ft 
West  mile to a Stard bend, (passed an Indian bathing in
hot bath) rapid an Island on the L. S. shole waters
at the head opsd. to which a verry bad rapid we call
ragid rapid one canoe struck & lodged sprung
a Leak onload Passed several Inds camps on the
Island. Took meridian altitude on the Island with
Sextent made it 74°. 26′ Latd. 46°. 29′ 21″ 7/10 North 
S. W.  mile to a bend on the St Side psd a rapid 
South  mile to the L. bend passed 2 rapids a large bottom
on each side 
S. 80°. W.  miles to the mouth of a Large fork caled by the Inds.
Ki-moo-e-nen[69] passed 2 rapids Isd in mouth 


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West  mile to a Std bend psd a shole in the mouth. Wind
high which obliged us to stop. Kimooenem has
two forks on the South Side, & camps of Inds all the
way up 2d fork called Pâr-nash-te about 50 miles
camped on Std Side to make observations. 


a verry worm day, Indians continue all day on the banks to
view us as low as the forks. Two Indians come up in a canoe
who means to accompany us to the Great rapids, Could get
no observations, worm night. The water of the South fork
is of a bluish green colour


As understood by the Nez Percé of to-day, the name Kimooenim—or Kah-móo-enim,
as it is given to me—is applied, strictly speaking, to the South Fork of the
Lewis or Snake River, although it is sometimes used for the entire stream. The junction
of the Kooskooskee and Lewis rivers is called (according to Stuart) Asotin—a
name also applied to a lateral stream of the Lewis River, and to a town and county in
Washington.—O. D. Wheeler.


In the revision in Codex G, Clark makes this distance 60 miles.—Ed.