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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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The skillful charioteer does not neglect his horses; the skillful
archer does not neglect his bow; the skillful superior does not
neglect his inferiors. When with true love he works for their
advantage, all within the four seas is in harmony. If in a single
family advantage is made the end without love,[2] it may happen


that a son will kill his own father. How much the worse [the
deeds to be expected] in the whole empire! The Ode says,[3]

People [who he thinks] are not good
Hate him with one accord.

Huai-nan tzŭ 10.13b is quite similar.


The punctuation of this passage is debatable. I take [OMITTED] as beginning a new
sentence, since the conclusion emphasizes a contrast between [OMITTED] and [OMITTED]. Huai-nan
is clearer: [OMITTED].


Shih 405 No. 223/4.