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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 463



Since the event which led to the Proclamation of
the 2 inst, the British squadron has conducted itself in a
continued spirit of insolence and hostility. Merchant vessels
arriving and departing have been challenged, fired at, examined
and detained within our jurisdiction, with as little
scruple as if they were at open sea. Even a Revenue Cutter
conveying the Vice President and his sick daughter from
Washington to New York and wearing her distinctive and
well known colours did not escape insult. Not satisfied
with these outrages, the British Commodore Douglass advanced
into Hampton Roads with his whole squadron consisting
of two 74's one ship of 50 guns and a frigate; threatened
by his soundings and other indications, a hostile approach
to Norfolk; and actually blockaded the town by forcibly
obstructing all water communication with it. In a word,
the course of proceeding amounted as much to an invasion
and a siege as if an Army had embarked and invested it on
the land side. It is now said that the whole squadron has
left Hampton roads, in consequence of a formal notice of
the Presidents proclamation; and has fallen down to their former
position at a small distance from the Capes; awaiting probably
the further orders of the commanding Admiral at Halifax.

These enormities superadded to all that have gone before,
particularly in the case of Bradley, Whitby, Love, the destruction
of the French Ship on the sea board of North Carolina,
the refusals of Douglass whilst within our waters to
give up American seamen not denied to be such; to say
nothing of British violences against our vessels in foreign
ports, as in Lisbon and Canton, form a mass of injuries and
provocations which have justly excited the indignant feelings
of the nation and severely tried the patience of the Government.
On the present occasion, it will be proper to bring


Page 464
these collective outrages into view; and to give them all the
force they ought to have not only in augmenting retribution
for the past, but in producing securities for the future. Among
these the enlargement of our Marginal jurisdiction, and the
prohibition of cruizers to hover about our harbours and waylay
our trade, merit every exertion that can properly be made,
and if not obtained, will place in a stronger view, the necessity
of leaving unfettered the right of the United States to exclude
all foreign armed ships from our ports and waters. In the
adjustment between Great Britain and Spain, of the Affair
of Nootka Sound, there is an Article which acknowledges and
stipulates to the latter a margin of ten leagues. Every consideration
which could suggest such a latitude in favor of the
Spanish Territory equally at least supports the claim of the
United States. In addition to the remarks heretofore made
on the subject of infesting our commerce near the mouths
of our harbours, I beg leave to refer to what is contained
in Azuni in relation to it.

I have the honor to be, &c.