University of Virginia Library


Page 93

[Clark, first draft:]

October 3rd Thursday 1805 Canoe Run.

a fair cool morning wind from the East all our men gitting
well and at work at the canoes &c.

Took equal altitudes with Sextent

H.  M.  S.  H.  M. 
A M.  14  P M.  57 
10  58  58.5 
11  59 

Altitude produced 44° 53′ 45″

P M Observed time and distance of the Moons western Limb from
a Arietis * East of the ☾

Time  distance 
Hs Ps Sds
P M  11  49  78°.  4′  00″ 
21  30 
23  21  15 
25  45 
27  40  30 
30  10  77  59  00 
33  34  58  45 
35  58  15 
37  58  00 
38  28  57  30 

October 3rd.. (Thursday) 1805

a fine morning cool wind East all our men getting better
in helth, and at work at the Canoes &c. The Indians who
visited us from below Set out on their return early. Several
others Come from different directions[64]


The astronomical observations, being a transcript of those in the first draft, are
here omitted.—Ed.