University of Virginia Library

May 30-June 7

Had visiting us Sam Anderson and his bride and Charlie Barker. Sam is an old acquaintance and has married a nice western girl. We get well acquainted with the whole party. Charlie is very lively and takes great interest in the flowers. He is quite an improvement on most of the western boys I'm sure. Matty [Anderson] is quite sick while with us. She had several chills and was confined to her bed for several days. June 2nd a call in the evening from Mr. Arrowsmith, Aunt Ria and Lizzie Dee. Take our farewell of Aunt Ria, she will leave on Monday next. "When shall we all meet again, Aunt Ria, Miss Vallant and the Southern party." We have enjoyed so many pleasures together and have been so much interested in the same things that it makes me feel sick at heart to think how widely separated we will now be.