University of Virginia Library


Epilogue by Dauus.

Addition, by way of paraphrase on Dauus last words in the Scene.
I note you sit with kind attention bent,
As pleasd with what hath passed; and expect
The further issue of our argument;
And on the mariage now your minds reflect.
We pray you cease such expectation;
For we haue done: the bride you do conceiue
But newly brought to bed; night comming on
Women shall beare her hence, at Simoes leaue.
Chremes hs younger daughter Philumen
Charinus gets, at sure of Pamphilus.
Crito of Andros, who has beene the meane
The long lost child should be discouerd thus,
What course he now shall take to obtaine his right
in Chrysis goods, I here not mention will;
Nor indeede can I: I haue no insight
In law points, triable at Mars his hill.
Yet knowing Chremes nature tractable,
Seeing withall he hath dealt liberally
In portion, so that Pamphilus is able
To beare the losse, though common honestie
Did not exact it. I not doubt they will
Vse the poore stranger well. Me you haue seene here
Venture to binding, grinding in the Mill:
That fell on me, this was approaching neare.
I purpose further in their ioy to sue
My present freedome: Pamphilus loue I haue;
Glyceriums also; both I thinke of due:
My Masters chafe is off I onely craue


Your furtherance in the matter; which if gaind,
I haue good hope: for I haue heard it sed
By men ith' Periclæan lawes well read,
If I make you my friends, my sute's obtaind:
For they haue told me my discharge now stands
not vpon whispering voyces; but clapt hands.
Finis Andria.