University of Virginia Library

Author ad Librum

Old wiues and fooles haue faith, the Cricquets song
In the warm'd chimney portends death ere long
My creede holds no such thing. If Cricquets sing,
I rather doubt the'oreheated brickes may bring
Some danger to my house when these I heare,
(If any thing) I onely fire do feare:
But many things (poore Booke) I iustly feare,
When Critiques descants on thy lines I heare.

Libri ad Authorem responsio.

Feare no true Critique; all that know you, know
What loue and honor to such men you owe:
And men of that high name, will neuer throw
Their censures on an argument so low.
These I not feare; but I do doubt them though,
Who would from fooles Censorious Critiques grow.
T. N.