University of Virginia Library

    The Actors and their Characters.

  • Simo An old man carefull of his sonne, whom hee loued at first for his reported vertues: and after he once doubted his carriage, shewed his greater loue in his care of him. In the first Scene he carries himselfe milde in discourse and behauiour: and still after increaseth in angry moode, till at length he growes to rage and passion.
  • Pamphilus. Sonne to Simo, a well qualified young man and faithfull louer.
  • Dauus Seruant of the family, subtile wise, confident.
  • Dromo. Another seruant, onely vsed for Dauus punishment.
  • Sosia. Simo's freed-man, a protaticke person brought in onely, to whom the ground of the argument might be opened.
  • Chremes. an old man of a quiet and tranquill spirit.
  • Glycerium. Daughter of Chremes not presented on the Stage; neither speakes but within doores in labor of child-birth:
  • Lesbia. Her midwife.
  • Mysis. Her maid-seruant.
  • Charinus. A young man, simple and ignorant.
  • Byrrhia. His man for wit aboue his master. Discreete.
  • Crito. A stranger of Andros, poore yet honest, wise and of a good spirit and stomach.