University of Virginia Library

Students Divide On Moratorium

Anti-Strike Group
Urges 'No' Vote

By Linda Eichelbaum
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Photo By Charley Sands

Anti-War Protester

Marches To A Different Drummer

A committee to obtain a large
percentage of "no" votes on the
moratorium referendum was recently

The committee's goal is to gather
enough negative votes to prevent a strike
at the University next month so that the
year may end peacefully. Posters have been
placed around the grounds stating the
committee's position.

Claiming members from all ends of the
political spectrum, the committee says it is
ideologically neutral. Present committee
officers are Charles Flicker, president; Rusty
Butcher, vice-president, and Chris White,

"A strike is a way to take a moral position,"
a statement by liberal members of the
committee says. "If the circumstances
surrounding it are ethically doubtful, as
Council's actions were in this case, or if it is not
in response to a sharply immediate cause, as
Laos was three months ago, a strike loses its
impact and the whole idea of a student strike

The conservative committee opinion against
the strike states that "any strike or
strike-associated activity carries with it the
danger that unstable people may get carried
away and do things that endanger themselves or