University of Virginia Library

The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,

Ha'óó'áͅ biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodatł'izhń,
nDiibikázhiͅ díͅíͅshiͅ, beegózhóͅ gooslíͅ.

Nandi'áí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsołitsoń,
nDiibikázhiͅ díͅíͅshiͅ, beegózhóͅ gooslíͅ.

'I'óó'áͅ biyaazhiͅ, Gáͅhéntsołigań,
Díͅíͅzhiͅ, nałdighiͅdeest'áͅ,
nDiibikázhiͅ díͅíͅshiͅ, beegózhóͅ gooslíͅ.

Náhákosí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodiłhiłń,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiͅ,
Díͅíͅgoyá, beedighiͅdeest'áͅ,
Niigosdzáń bikázhiͅ, beegózhóͅ gooslíͅ.
The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,
The ceremony has begun in company with him,[11]
The leader of the Mountain Spirits,
In the four corners of the earth, goodness has been created by means of him.
The Big Yellow Mountain Spirit in the south,
In the four directions,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits,
On the earth, goodness has been created by means of him.
The Big White Mountain Spirit in the west,
In the four directions, the ceremony has begun in company with us,[11]
The leader of the Mountain Spirits,
On the earth, goodness has been created by means of him.
The Big Black Mountain Spirit in the north,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit,
In the four directions, the ceremony has begun by means of him,[12]
On the earth, goodness has been created by means of him.
Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
The implication is that the ceremony cannot take place in the absence of the Mountain Spirit and his power.
Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
The implication is that the ceremony cannot take place in the absence of the Mountain Spirit and his power.
Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
Usually four fir trees are set up in the cardinal directions and within the space thus enclosed a fire is built. The masked dancers who represent the Mountain Spirits enter this square while the shaman is singing these songs and approach the fire from all directions beginning with the east and going in a clockwise circuit. In turn they drive the diseases and evil, by means of gestures with their wands, away to each of the corners of the earth.