University of Virginia Library

The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,

Ha'óó'áͅí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodatł'izhń,
'Ághájit'íͅlee! Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee!

Ha'óó'áͅí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodatł'izhń,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné,
'Ághájit'íͅlee! Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee!

Nandi'áí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsołitsoń,
Cheełkédighiné, cheełkénant'áń,
Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee! 'Ághájit'íͅlee!

Nandi'áí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsołitsoń,
Cheełkédighiné, cheełkénant'áń,
Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee! 'Ághájit'íͅlee!

'I'óó'ání biyaazhiͅ, Gáͅhéntsołigań,
Cheełkénant'áń, cheełkédighiné,
'Ághájit'íͅlee! Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee!

Náhákosí biyaazhiͅ Gáͅhéntsodiłhiłń,
Koͅoͅghéésh diłhił yeebits'ís góókáͅ,
Cheełkédighiné, cheełkénant'áń,
Gózhóͅgo 'ájit'íͅlee!
The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,
He is so! He is good!
The Big Blue Mountain Spirit in the east,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit,
He is so! He is good!
The Big Yellow Mountain Spirit in the south,
The holy Mountain Spirit, the leader of the Mountain Spirits,
He is good! He is so!
The Big Yellow Mountain Spirit in the south,
The holy Mountain Spirit, the leader of the Mountain Spirits,
He is good! He is so!
The Big White Mountain Spirit in the west,
The leader of the Mountain Spirits, the holy Mountain Spirit,
He is so! He is good!
The Big Black Mountain Spirit in the north,
His spiritually hale body is made of the black mirage,
The holy Mountain Spirit, the leader of the Mountain Spirits,
He is good!