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VI. Membership and Organization

The Media Board shall be composed of ten students appointed by the presidents of the several Schools of the University. The term of appointment will be for two years, with terms being staggered so that five members end their terms one year and five the next.

Each of the members shall be appointed no later than the fall of their next to last school year before graduation. Persons who have served during the present academic year on


a media organization staff or who have a perceivable conflict of interest are to be excluded from appointment. Vacancies in the unexpired term of any School shall be filled within thirty days through appointment by the president representing that School.

In addition, there shall be four student media representatives on the Media Board, one each from The Cavalier Daily, The Declaration, WTJU and WUVA, provided that any such media organization may choose not to be represented. These members shall not be involved in the budgetary concerns of the Media Board. A media representative shall excuse himself from any involvement in any complaint procedure affecting his respective student media organization. The student media representatives shall serve a one year term.

A chairman shall be chosen by the Media Board from among the school representatives who have served one year.

  • Beginning in the Spring of 1976, the membership cycle shall rotate each successive year according to the following list:
  • Architecture - initial one year term
  • College of Arts and Sciences - initial one year term
  • Commerce - initial one year term
  • Education - initial one year term
  • Engineering and Applied Sciences - initial one year term
  • Graduate Arts and Sciences - two year term
  • Graduate School of Business Administration- two year term
  • Law - two year term
  • Medicine - two year term
  • Nursing - two year term

If, prior to the consideration of any adjudicative matter, a challenge is made that one or more members of the Media Board should be excused because of conflicts in interest, the challenge shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the unchallenged members of the Media Board, and, when required, substitute members shall be selected by a majority vote; provided that if a majority of the members are challenged, the Student Activities Committee shall act upon the challenge and, if upheld, it shall select substitute members.

The Media Board of Directors may at its discretion elect to have a consultant or advisor from the faculty or staff of the University who should be selected in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs, and who would serveex officioand with no vote.