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The following resignations were announced:

  • Mr. Charles H. Barron, Jr., Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position in industry.
  • Mr. Bruno Braunrot, Assistant Professor of French, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position at Wayne State University.
  • Mr. Moe A. Brooker, Assistant Professor of Art, effective August 31, 1974, to accept a position at the University of North Carolina.
  • Mr. Avery Catlin as Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, effective June 30, 1974, to accept an administrative position in the Office of the President.
  • Dr. James E. Culver, Jr., Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, effective September 30, 1974, to accept a position at Cleveland Clinic.
  • Mr. Steven J. Fox, Assistant Professor of English, effective May 31, 1974, as he no longer wishes to teach.
  • Mr. Peter Haidu, Associate Professor of French, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position at the University of Illinois.
  • Mr. James E. Holloway, Acting Assistant Professor of Spanish, effective August 31, 1974, to devote full time to his dissertation.
  • Dr. James G. Hunter, Jr., Assistant Professor of Radiology, effective July 31, 1974, to enter private practice.
  • Mr. Richard J. Jacobson, Assistant Professor of English, effective August 31, 1974, to enter Law School.
  • Mr. Matthias E. Kayhoe as Assistant Dean, School of Architecture, effective August 31, 1974, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. James H. Maddox, Assistant Professor of English, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position at George Washington University.
  • Mr. Theodore J. Marr, Assistant Professor of Speech Communication, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position at New Asia College, Hong Kong.
  • Mr. Thomas B. McKee, Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective May 31, 1974, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Antonin Scalia, Professor of Law, effective August 31, 1974, to accept appointment as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Washington.
  • Dr. James G. Simmons, Assistant Professor of Surgery, effective October 15, 1974, to enter private practice.
  • Mr. Lawrence Smith, Professor of Mathematics, effective August 31, 1974, to accept a position at Indiana University.
  • Mr. Alan H. Strahler, Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective May 31, 1974, to accept a position at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Miss Mary L. Thomas, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, (Alderman Library), effective October 28, 1974, because of illness.
  • Dr. Roby C. Thompson, Professor of Orthopedics, effective July 31, 1974, to accept the chairmanship of the Department of Orthopedics, University of Minnesota.
  • Mrs. Alberta Widman, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, effective August 31, 1974, to accept another position.
  • Miss Sharon O. Young, Assistant Professor of Education, effective May 31, 1974. Miss Young is leaving the area.