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In December 1963 the Board established a Comprehensive Fee which included among others a Student Activities Fee. Because of the need for early information about the Comprehensive Fee, the President now recommends that the Student Activities Fee be established as separate from the Comprehensive Fee. This will permit the Student Activities Committee to continue a study of the needs of the various activities, and to make its recommendations available for the June 1970 meeting of the Board. The amount of the Student Activities Fee will be established at that meeting.

The following resolution was therefore adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that, effective 1 September 1970, there will be, in addition to tuition charges, two fees to be paid by each student, (a) a Student Activities Fee and (b) a Comprehensive Fee in the amount of $160.00 per student, the proceeds of which shall be distributed as follows:
    Current Comprehensive Fee  Comprehensive Fee Increase  Comprehensive Fee Effective 1 September 1970 
    Field House and Gymnasium Fee (pledged for amortization of bond issue - University Hall, starting in 1965-66)  $ 15.00  $ 15.00 
    Library Building Fee (pledged for amortization of bond issue of new library structure starting in 1965)  7.00  7.00 
    Athletics  20.00  20.00 
    Student Health  40.00  $ 5.00  45.00 
    University Union  14.00  14.00 
    Class Affiliation  4.00  4.00 
    For Faculty TIAA  35.00  20.00  55.00 
    Student Activity Fee  7.00  (not included)  (not included) 
    --------  --------  -------- 
    $142.00  $25.00  $160.00