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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,

Your two last unacknowledged favors were of
Decr 20 and Feby 6. They were received in Virginia,
and no opportunity till the present precarious one
by the way of Holland, has enabled me to thank
you for them.

I returned here about ten days ago from Richmond
which I left a day or two after the dissolution of the
Convention. The final question on the new Government
was put on the 25th of June. It was twofold
1. whether previous amendments should be
made a condition of ratification. 2. directly on the
Constitution in the form it bore. On the first the
decision was in the negative, 88 being no, 80 only ay.
On the second & definitive question, the ratification
was affirmed by 89 ays agst 79 noes. A number of
alterations were then recommended to be considered
in the mode pointed out in the Constitution itself.
The meeting was remarkably full; Two members
only being absent and those known to be on the
opposite sides of the question. The debates also
were conducted on the whole with a very laudable
moderation and decorum, and continued untill both
sides declared themselves ready for the question.
And it may be safely concluded that no irregular
opposition to the System will follow in that State,
at least with the countenance of the leaders on that
side. What local eruptions may be occasioned by
ill-timed or rigorous executions of the Treaty of


Page 241
peace against British debtors, I will not pretend to
say. But altho. the leaders, particularly H—y &
M—s—n, will give no countenance to popular violences
it is not to be inferred that they are reconciled
to the event, or will give it a positive support. On
the contrary both of them declared they could not
go that length, and an attempt was made under
their auspices to induce the minority to sign an
address to the people which, if it had not been defeated
by the general moderation of the party would
probably have done mischief.

Among a variety of expedients employed by the
opponents to gain proselytes, Mr.[71] Henry first, and
after him Colo. Mason, introduced
the opinions expressed
in a letter from a correspondent
(Master Donald
or Skipwith, I believe
) and endeavored to turn the
influence of your name even against parts of which I
knew you approved
. In this situation I thought it
due to truth
, as well as that it would be most agreeable
to yourself, and accordingly took the liberty to
state some of your opinions on the favorable side
. I
am informed that copies or extracts of a letter from
you were handed about at the Maryld. Convention, with
a like view of impeding the ratification

N. Hampshire ratified the Constitution on the
20th Ult;[72] and made the ninth State. The votes
stood 57 for and 46 agst the measure. S. Carolina
had previously ratified by a very great majority.[73]
The Convention of N. Carolina is now sitting. At
one moment the sense of that State was considered


Page 242
as strongly opposed to the system. It is now said
that the time has been for some time turning, which
with the example of other States and particularly of
Virginia prognosticates a ratification there also.[74]
The Convention of New York has been in Session
ever since the 17th Ult:, without having yet arrived
at any final vote. Two thirds of the members assembled
with a determination to reject the Constitution,
and are still opposed to it in their hearts. The local
situation of N. York, the number of ratifying States
and the hope of retaining the federal Government in
this City afford however powerful arguments to such
men as Jay, Hamilton, the Chancellor,[75] Duane and
several others; and it is not improbable that some
form of ratification will yet be devised, by which the
dislike of the opposition may be gratified, and the
State, notwithstanding, made a member of the new

At Fredericksburg on my way hither I found the
box with Cork Acorns Sulla & peas addressed to me.
I immediately had it forwarded to Orange from
whence the contents will be disposed of according to
your order. I fear the advanced season will defeat
the experiments. The few seeds taken out here by
the President at my request & sown in his garden
have not come up. I left directions in Virginia for
obtaining acorns of the Willow Oak this fall, which
shall be sent you as soon as possible. Col. Carrington
tells me your request as to the Philosophical


Page 243
Transactions was complied with in part only, the
1st. volume being not to be had. I have enquired of
a Delegate here from Rhode Island for further information
concerning W. S. Brown, but can learn
nothing precise. I shall continue my enquiries, and
let you know hereafter the result.

July 26.—We just hear that the Convention of this
State have determined by a small majority to exclude
from the ratification anything involving a condition
& to content themselves with recommending
the alterations wished for.[76]

As this will go by way of Holland I consider its
reaching you as extremely uncertain. I forbear
therefore to enter further into our public affairs at
this time. If the packets should not be discontinued,
which is surmised by some, I shall soon have an
opportunity of writing again. In the mean time I
remain with the sincerest affection

Your friend & Servt.
P. S. Crops in Virginia of all sorts were very
promising when I left the State. This was the case
also generally throught the States I passed thro',
with local exceptions produced in the wheat fields
by a destructive insect which goes under the name
of the Hessian fly. It made its first appearance several
years ago on Long Island, from which it has
spread over half this State and a great part of New
Jersey, and seems to be making an annual progress
in every direction.

Italics for cypher.


June 21, really.


May 23.


North Carolina did not ratify until November 21, 1789.


Robert R. Livingston.


New York ratified July 26.