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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Monday 26th. May 1806

Some small showers of rain last night, and continued cloudy
this morning untill 7 A. M. when it cleared away and became
fair and worm. collins Shannon & Colter set out to hunt on
the high lands to the N E of us towards Collins Creek. The
child something better this morning tho the swelling yet continue.
we still apply the onion poltice. I derected what should
be done for the disabled man, gave him a fiew doses of creem
of tarter & flour sulphur, and some portable supe and directed
that he should be taken home & swetted &c. at 1. P. M.
Joseph & R. Fields returned accompanied by Hohhâstillpilt
and an second Chief and 4 men several young men also rode
down on this side. Jo & R Fields informed us that they
were at a village 4 miles up the 2nd. Creek from this place on
the opposit side above at which place they precured roots on
very reasonable terms. they could not proceed higher up to
hunt as the creeks were too high for them to cross, &c. we
gave permission to Serjt. Pryor and 4 men to cross the river
and trade with nativs of the village the Fields were at yesterday
for roots &c. we also directed Shabono & York to proceed
on to the same village and precure some roots for our
selves if possible. one of our men saw a salmon in the river
to day, and two others eat of salmon at the near village which
was brought from Lewis's river. our canoe finished and put
into the water. it will carry 12 men. the [river] riseing very
fast and snow appear to melt on the mountains.