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ATTACHMENT A = Amendment to the Compensation Plan for Registered and Practical Nurses in the Neuroscience & Pediatric Care Unit.
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ATTACHMENT A = Amendment to the
Compensation Plan for Registered and Practical Nurses in the Neuroscience & Pediatric Care Unit.

Pilot Recruiting Incentive/Retention Stipend Program

The program described here is a pilot program, established for a six-month period, to enhance recruiting of Registered Nurses, and retention of Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses in 6 Central and 6 West Units and Registered Nurses in the PICU unit. Continuation of this program will occur only after evaluation of program performance and assessment of need as specified in the Program Review Action Plan.

Retention Stipend

A retention stipend will be paid to Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses employed in the designated units as of the implementation date of this plan. The stipend for RN's will be $1500, with $750 paid on or about the implementation date, and the balance paid six months later. Payment is contingent upon the Registered Nurse being actively employed on the unit(s) at the scheduled time of payment. The stipend for Licensed Practical Nurses will be $500, with $250 paid on or about the implementation date, and the balance paid six months later. Payment is contingent upon the LPN being actively employed on the unit(s) at the scheduled time of payment. Part-time classified nurses working at least a 50% schedule and who are otherwise eligible will receive a pro-rate stipend. The retention stipend will be paid from the wage payroll and will not be included in the employees' base salary.

Recruitment Incentive

A schedule of incentive payments will be established to facilitate recruitment of Registered Nurses into the designated units from other units in the medical center, or from outside the medical center. The availability of this incentive will be advertised to Registered Nurses in the medical center prior to external recruitment.

The recruiting incentive will be $1500, and will be paid in $500 increments over 6 months. Eligibility to receive the incentive is contingent upon the Registered Nurse being actively employed in the unit at the time of the scheduled payment. The recruiting incentive will be administered as follows:

on or near date of hire  $ 500 
three months from hire  500 
six months from hire  500 
total  $1500 

The recruitment incentive will be paid from the wage payroll and will not be included in the employees' base salary.

Float/Additional Hours Differential

All Unit-based Registered Nurses, whether full or part time, who are floated to or volunteer to work additional hours on the designated unit(s) will receive an hourly differential of $1.50 per hour. Designated unit-based wage RN's working 20+ hours per week will be eligible for the $1.50/hour differential. This differential is not to be included in the base or overtime rate. Part-time wage RN's working additional hours in the designated units are eligible for the hourly differential, provided they do not work over 40 hours per week.


The stipend or incentive will be paid as a lump sum payment, and charged to the designated units. The Nursing Resources Department will submit Wage Forms to Classification and Compensation to initiate payment.

Program Review Action Plan

Concurrent with the implementation of the pilot program, a "Program Review Action Plan" will be developed. The Action Plan will be formatted to include a Retention Section and a Recruitment Section. The Action Plan should be presented in summary statement as opposed to narrative form.

The Retention Component will include 1) a strategy for organizational assessment and evaluation which should identify key issues affecting retention; and 2) an analysis of the key issues and possible solutions.

The Recruitment Component will include 1) a review of current recruiting strategies; 2) an identification of barriers/impediments to recruiting; and 3) new strategies for recruiting. Kate Fraleigh and Pam Mauck will develop the recruiting section of the Action Plan.

The Program Review Action Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Nursing and the Assistant Vice President for Personnel Administration no later than 60 days after program implementation.


Implementation of this program will be Jan. 1, 1990. RN's and LPN's employed in the designated units on January 1 will be eligible for the retention stipend; RN's beginning employment in the units on or after January 2, 1990 will be eligible for the recruiting incentive. Registered Nurses entering the unit after January 1 who receive the recruiting incentive will be eligible for a subsequent retention stipend only if the program continues beyond the duration of the employee's incentive schedule. There will be no recruiting stipend for LPN's entering the designated units.

December 6, 1989