University of Virginia Library

Tuesday July 17th

Point of Observation No. 22, & of departure No. 2. Camp at the lower
point of the Island of the bald Prarie[19]

Observed Meridian altd. of ☉'s L. L. with Octant by back observation
43°. 27′.—″.

Latitude deduced from this observtn 40°.  27′.  6″.4 
From Equal Altitudes of ☉'s center found that ☉'s Center was truly on the
M. T. Pt. Chronometer at  11.  58.  51. 
Chronometer too slow M. T.  6.  51.6. 
Observed Altitude of pole Star with Sextant  81°.  9′.  15″ 
Time by Chronometer P. M.  10.  23.  18. 


Page 247

Most of the observations at this point are entered in text of journal, July 17,
1804. Those thus entered are omitted here.—Ed.