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The Odes and Epodon of Horace, In Five Books

Translated into English by J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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To the Fountain BLANDUSIA. Ode XIII.
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To the Fountain BLANDUSIA. Ode XIII.

He promises an Offering to that Fountain, and commends its pleasantness.

Blandusia-Fount, whose Cheek-like glass most bright,
Worthy sweet Wine, and Flow'rs; to Morrow's light
Grives thee Kid in Sacrifice,
Whose Front first horn'd doth rise.
In vain that Off-spring from the wanton heard
Both lust, and Frays intends with Rival fear'd;
Since soon he shall besprinkle ore
Thy Stream with crimson Gore.


The burning Dog-star's time and wrathful power
Cannot touch thee, who dost refresh that hour
Plough-share weari'd Ox, as kind
To th' wandring Sheep inclin'd.
Thou too shalt one o'th' Noble Springs be made;
Whilst I that Elm commend, whose Branches shade
Shrouds th' hollowed Rock from whence below
Thy pratling Streams do flow.