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  • The following resolution was adopted:
  • WHEREAS, upon consideration of the need of funds for the proposed and anticipated future development of the University and the announced and reasonably anticipated reductions in public funding, it is clear that the University of Virginia will increasingly depend upon private support for funds necessary to maintain its excellence; and
  • WHEREAS, changes that will permit greater coordination among the various entities currently engaged in raising funds on behalf of the University, including the Alumni Association and University related foundations, are necessary in order to generate increased private support; and
  • WHEREAS, it is of the utmost importance that the rationale for such changes be clearly communicated to and understood by those entities and by those outside of the University to whom the University will look for leadership in its fund raising efforts (volunteer leaders) and that no proposal for change be implemented until adequate time has been allowed for such communication and understanding to occur; and
  • WHEREAS, valuable work has been done over the last several months to identify areas for improvement in the University's development and fund raising efforts and to suggest changes to cause improvement and the momentum for achieving necessary change should not be lost;
  • NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that:
    • 1. The Special Committee on Development created in November, 1989 (Messrs. Lee Brown, Chairman, Scott and Wilson) shall be increased to five members, plus the Rector as an ex officio member;
    • 2. The next President of the University should participate in the formulation of the proposed changes; and
    • 3. To sustain the progress toward necessary change which has occurred to date, the Special Committee on Development shall proceed as necessary and with all possible promptness to bring before the Board, after discussion and consultation with the various entities engaged in fund raising on behalf of the University, including the University related foundations and the Alumni Association, a proposal for changes to improve the development and fund raising organization of the University.