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  • The following resolution was adopted:
  • Whereas, estimates from several sources indicate that the Commonwealth of Virginia will experience major growth in its college-age population during the latter part of the 1990s and at least the early part of the first decade of the 21st Century; and
  • Whereas, the Commission on the University of the 21st Century has urged, and the Board of Visitors concurs, that undergraduate growth should occur across an array of institutions reflecting the diversity of Virginia high school graduates, including highly selective institutions; and
  • Whereas, the Commission also urged, and the Board of Visitors concurs, that funding for growth be separately identified to ensure that it does not occur at the expense of existing students, especially undergraduates; and
  • Whereas, in addition to the demographic pressures expected in the Commonwealth, moderate, selective and measured enrollment growth would bring to the University of Virginia other benefits identified by the Provost of the University and by academic deans and;
  • Whereas, the Board believes that maintenance of the excellence of the University and its improvement is its primary duty, and that any growth must be planned and financed so as to permit that duty to be performed;
  • Therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Visitors directs the Administration to begin as soon as possible detailed planning for moderate, measured growth in undergraduate student enrollment in Charlottesville as recommended by the President, and that such planning be predicated on continued validity of the estimates of college-age population in the Commonwealth; and
  • Be it further resolved that planning be conducted with the following assumptions:
    • 1. Undergraduate enrollment growth should be planned to result in an eventual increase not to exceed 1,000 students in the College of Arts and Sciences, 400 in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and fewer than 100 (probably 50-75) in the Schools of Nursing, Commerce and Architecture. Such growth shall be phased and shall not begin before the academic year 1997-98.

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    • 2. Undergraduate enrollment growth shall consist predominantly of Virginia residents, while maintaining at least the current numbers of out-of-state students in order to ensure the geographical diversity that has characterized the University since the days of Thomas Jefferson.
    • 3. Enrollment growth of the type projected here depends directly upon appropriate increases in financial support from the Commonwealth. Those increases should be clearly evident to the University community, consistent with the related recommendation of the Commission on the University of the 21st Century. Growth planning cannot proceed on the schedule envisioned here unless such resource commitments are made well ahead of actual enrollment increases. The Vice President for Business and Finance shall develop criteria by which to measure the adequacy of anticipated resources related to enrollment growth.
    • 4. The President and the Provost shall determine, with appropriate faculty involvement, how best to match undergraduate enrollment increases to programs and areas with capacity for growth, with special emphasis on areas such as the sciences, from which educated graduates are greatly needed by the Commonwealth and the nation.
    • 5. Moderate enrollment growth in specific graduate programs also may be included in planning, although the determination of optimal graduate program size reflects markedly different considerations from those which affect undergraduate enrollments.
    • 6. Planning shall emphasize the combination of undergraduate enrollment growth with desired models of student life, especially residential colleges, to meet increased demand for student housing.
    • 7. Planning shall make every reasonable attempt to incorporate the perspectives of all affected parties, including students, faculty, the University's neighbors in the surrounding community, the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, and the public interest at large, in developing detailed plans for University enrollment growth.
  • Finally, be it resolved that the President shall submit an interim report on these matters to the Board by January 1, 1991, and a final plan for enrollment growth by October 1, 1991.