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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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I. 8


Since the Plan is dedicated to Abbot Gozbert of St. Gall,
its execution must fall into the time between Gozbert's
appointment to his abbacy in 816 and his resignation in
836 (he died in 837). As it was made to guide Gozbert in
the reconstruction of the monastery of St. Gall, the upper
limit of this span may safely be depressed to the year 830,
when this project was started. The prototype from which
the Plan of St. Gall was copied appears to date from the
year 817. We do not know at what point in his career
Abbot Gozbert conceived of the idea of rebuilding his
monastery; nor do we have any means of judging by how
many years his request for guidance in this project preceded
actual construction. Bishop Haito, the presumptive
"author" of the Plan, died in 836. From the tenor of his
transmittal note one is tempted to infer that the Plan was
drawn when Haito was still at the full height of his two
careers, i.e., before his retirement, in 823, from his episcopate
at Basel and his abbacy at the monastery of Reichenau.
The traditional date for the Plan, of "around 820," might
therefore be retained, provided that it be understood that
this is clearly not a compelling conclusion.




The stylus, essentially a very simple tool of iron, bronze,
sometimes of hardwood, bone or ivory, has one or both
ends pointed according to the purpose for which the
instrument was used.

The example illustrated, Gallo-Roman, with one end
pointed, the other formed like a small, blunt chisel, was
probably for a professional writer. The pointed end,
needle sharp, was for pricking through the parchment, the
blunt end for scoring the parchment surface as a guide for
writing or ruling.


Page 26


[after Willy Weyres, 1966, 408, fig. 10]

Excavations by Otto Doppelfeld beneath the pavement of the Gothic cathedral (heavily bombed in World War II) revealed seven building
horizons ranging from the Roman occupation
(per. I-IV) through the Merovingian (per. V-VI), to the time of construction of the Carolingian
(per. VIIA-B). The plan displays in dark shading the foundations of Hildebold's church, begun probably after the coronation of
Charlemagne in 800, but still not complete when Hildebold died in 819. The stippled areas in the church are remains of the floor of the
Merovingian cathedral, a structure about 49 m long and 20-22 m wide; its precise shape can no longer be determined.

Toward the end of Merovingian or in early Carolingian times (possibly after the elevation of Hildebold to the See of Cologne in 787) the
Merovingian cathedral was enlarged westward with the addition of transept and semicircular atrium.