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  • The following resolution was adopted:
  • WHEREAS, the University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation has for over three years been actively and publicly planning the construction of the Colonnades Life Care Center (for which ground was broken on October 4, 1989) as a means of retaining within the community larger numbers of senior and retired faculty, and
  • WHEREAS, the Colonnades Life Care Center will aid the University's Health Sciences Center in carrying out its programs of teaching, research and patient care, including gerontology and medical and nursing care, and
  • WHEREAS, the location of an expressway between Stillhouse Mountain and the Colonnades Life Care Center, by reason of the accompanying noise, appearance, and air pollution, could materially impair the quality of life of the residents of the Life Care Center, and thus jeopardize the vitality and success of the project, and
  • WHEREAS, the location of a roadway within the University's North Grounds could seriously impair the quality of life and learning within the University's graduate law and business schools and the Judge Advocate General's School, and
  • WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the University Real Estate Foundation on January 9, 1990, adopted a resolution requesting that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia formally express their opposition to construction of a bypass route between Stillhouse Mountain and the Colonnades Life Care Center, and
  • WHEREAS, the forecast of the Virginia Department of Transportation's consultant indicates that location of the proposed Ivy Creek Parkway east or west of Stillhouse Mountain would be immaterial to its ability to divert substantial traffic from the Route 29/Emmett Street corridor,
  • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia hereby concurs with the Board of Directors of the University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation and declares its opposition to the construction of any road proposed for routing between Stillhouse Mountain and the Colonnades Life Care Center.
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia declares its opposition to the presence of high speed traffic and the construction of a public roadway on the North Grounds of the University of Virginia.

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  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University administration hereby is directed to convey to the Council of the City of Charlottesville and to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County a statement that the University, at this time, neither endorses nor opposes the principles which undergird the City's proposal; rather, it is two specific attributes of the plan which are opposed. Moreover, the Board of Visitors encourages appropriate representatives of the City, the County, and the University to distill from the City's proposal its underlying principles, and to continue to seek to develop a proposal on which all might agree.