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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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Saturday April 20th. 1805.

The wind continued to blow tolerably hard this morning but
by no means as violently as it did yesterday; we determined
to set out and accordingly departed a little before seven. I
walked on shore on the N. side of the river, and Capt Clark
proceeded with the party. the river bottoms through which I
passed about seven miles were fertil and well covered with
Cottonwood some Boxalder, ash and red Elm. the under
brush, willow, rose bushes Honeysuccles, red willow, goosbury,
currant and servicebury & in the open grounds along the foot
of the river hills immence quantities of the hisop.[29] in the
course of my walk I killed two deer, wounded an Elk and a
deer; saw the remains of some Indian hunting camps, near
which stood a small scaffold of about 7 feet high on which were
deposited two doog slays with their harnis. underneath this
scaffold a human body was lying, well rolled in several dressed
buffaloe skins and near it a bag of the same materials conta[in]ing
sundry articles belonging to the disceased; consisting
of a pare of mockersons, some red and blue earth, beaver's
nails, instruments for dressing the Buffalo skin, some dryed
roots, several platts of the sweet grass, and a small quantity of
Mandan tobacco. I presume that the body, as well as the
bag containing these articles, had formerly been placed on the
scaffold as is the custom of these people, but had fallen down
by accedent. near the scaffold I saw the carcase of a large dog


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not yet decayed, which I supposed had been killed at the time
the human body was left on the scaffold; this was no doubt the
reward, which the poor doog had met with for performing
the [blank space in MS.] friendly office to his mistres of transporting
her corps to the place of deposit, it is customary with
the Assinniboins, Mandans, Minetares &c who scaffold their
dead, to sacrefice the favorite horses and doggs of their disceased
relations, with a view of their being servicable to them
in the land of sperits. I have never heard of any instances of
human sacrefices on those occasions among them.

The wind blew so hard that I concluded it was impossible
for the perogues and canoes to proceed and therefore returned
and joined them about three in the evening. Capt. Clark
informed me that soon after seting out, a part of the bank of
the river fell in near one of the canoes and had very nearly
filled her with water, that the wind became so hard and the
waves so high that it was with infinite risk he had been able
to get as far as his present station, the white perogue and
several of the canoes had shiped water several times but happily
our stores were but little injured; those which were wet we
put out to dry and determined to remain untill the next morning,
we sent out four hunters who soon added 3 Elk 4 gees
and 2 deer to our stock of provisions. the party caught six
beaver today which were large and in fine order. the Buffaloe,
Elk and deer are poor at this season, and of cours are not very
palitable, however our good health and apetites make up
every necessary deficiency, and we eat very heartily of them.
encamped on Stard side; under a high well timbered bank.

Courses and Distances of this day.

South  to the upper part of a timbered bottom at a bluff on
the Lard. side 
1 1/2 
West  to a point of high timber on the Stad Sid. passing over
a large sand point on Std. side 
1 1/2 
N. 45° W.  to a large tree in a bend on stard side opposite a large
sand point 
1 1/2 
S. 45° W.  to a point of low willows on Stard. side 
Miles 6 1/2 

In the MS. occurs here a red-ink interlineation (cancelled, however, by another
pen), "copy this for Dr. Barton." As previously explained, in Biddle's text most
of the natural history notes are omitted, because he had intended that this material
should be worked up by Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton. The latter failed to do this;
and the often elaborate observations of Lewis and Clark on the fauna, flora, and
silva of the Great West have therefore been hitherto practically lost to the scientific