University of Virginia Library

May 27-June 2

No church. Monday write to little Sis and Jabe. A visit from Uncle Bob. He brings Ma a present of some money from Aunt Alice and Aunt Jane[ who live in Missouri.] Uncle Bob tells me Ellen left for her new home in Fauquier County the Friday after her marriage. Friday Ma and I start out visiting. We dine with Cousin Isabella and go in the morning to Orange Dale. While in town, Ma has her picture taken and Cousin Isabella and I do some shopping for her. We have a nice time at Orange Dale. They are all so glad to see Ma. Come home Saturday evening in such a hard rain. I met with a great loss while I'm away. Nearly all of my fine chickens at one full swoop are carried off by those blood thirsty monsters, the rats. They played sad havoc with the chickens that night. Sue lost nearly all of hers. I'm really disturbed about mine for they were out of danger and were so handsome.