University of Virginia Library

April 22-28

No church. Daddy very sick this week. Dr. Nelson to see him. Ellen starts to school this week to Jeff Taylor [at Lego Plantation.] She seems much pleased to go; hope it may improve her both in mind and manners. Dick is my only pupil now. He is a bright chap and I enjoy teaching him. Commenced reading history this week and is nearly perfect in his Catechism. Lizzie Dee and Jinnie Sinclair to dine with us. Lizzie Dee has just returned from New York. Her health is better and she seems to have had a nice visit and seen wonders but I don't perceive she brings back any increase of brotherly love for the hateful Yankees. She met with some big hearted southern people who could sympathize with her. Miss Vallant is in poor health and unable to attend to her school most of the time. Cousin Isabella with us Friday and Saturday. She is a ministering spirit always coming whenever help is needed. Daddy is suffering much Friday and Saturday. News from Missouri. Brother Peter and Pinkie Rootes [Lizzie Rootes] are engaged to be married. He wrote and told sister Betty of it and asked her to send me the letter which she did. He says it will take place sometime during the summer or fall. Well, I like the match though I had hoped to see him before he took unto himself another wife ....A long letter from little Sis and Jabe. They are getting along. No one can expect to do more now. Jabe is as hard as ever upon the Yanks. He thinks they have given the Country entirely over to "The Gentleman who has charge of the fire works." Indeed it looks as if such a personage might be at the head of affairs now. The chicken excitement is at its height. Sue, Ma and I are the interested parties and Mary Lewis says we do not talk of anything else. Ma begins to send the asparagus to market. Mary Lewis is sending milk every morning.