University of Virginia Library

Jan. 14-20

Go to church and hear Mr. Meade....The Xmas decorations are very pretty. The motto "In Fashion as a man" ....A long letter...from little Sis and a note from Jabe. They are living in Holly Springs and manage to make out on the proceeds of Jabe's profession. He says the Glorious Union is no place for a white gentleman and he intends to be off as soon as he makes enough-proposes Brazil. John Mac turns up again on Tuesday the 16th. Ellie has returned to nurse Bully which causes rejoicing through the whole house. She is such a good "Mammy" to him. The hogs belonging to the female part of the family are killed on Wednesday. It creates quite an excitement in the household from the fact of scraps of green paper being more plentiful in the family then they have been for some time past.

Friday the 19th, Troubles of the Darkest Kind come upon us. What a wicked world this is and what a constant need we have to pray that we may not be led into temptation. Saturday is a day of woe to us all. [It has been learned that Nannie Anderson is pregnant and very near to full term. The father is cousin David Anderson.]