University of Virginia Library

Oct. 15-21

A dull rainy Sunday. Chilling winds tell us that winter is at hand. Monday I go up to Rugby to see Frank and Lou Anderson. Find them away on a visit to cousin Fanny Hart but they return in time for me to see them. They are both as affectionate and sweet as I could wish them. Both say, "Aunt Lou." While at Rugby sister Betty and I take a tramp to town visiting. Dine at Cousin George's and call at several places. The young folks at Rugby have a a gay time-company every evening. Susie's old beau Julian Pruitt is married. I feel glad of it on his account. Get home Thursday evening. A letter from Sally. She is living at Holly Springs and though poorly off in the world thinks she will be able to get along. As usual she finds kind friends who help her. Jabe is practicing his profession and hopes to make a living in time. A note from Lizzie Dee. She is a real friend. I feel thankful to her for her interest in me.