University of Virginia Library

Aug. 20-26

At church and hear Mr. Meade...Go after service to Mr. Woods to eat watermellons. Tuesday Mammy Eliza, Met, the children and I take a peach hunt. Have a nice ride but find but few peaches. Wednesday go down to Music Hall with sister Betty and Jimmy Brown. Have a gay time. Sister Betty is in such fine spirits. See Miss Vallant and Sue Bacon. Miss Vallant has improved in appearance and health. Sue is the same cheerful happy body of old. They both seem very glad to see us all again. Miss Vallant tells me of her plans and prospects. She seems to be doing well; has a large and growing school and lives with Mrs. Arrowsmith in Brooklyne. Mr. Bacon has made money during the war. Sue talks of buying a part of The Creek Farm and building on it. Says she can't live among the Yanks any longer. I don't think any of us Rebs can hate the Yankees any harder than she does. We have some pleasant little gatherings at Music Hall, The Creek and Castalia. Robert's friend, Mr. Ford, is stopping at Music Hall and we find him very entertaining. He repeats poetry so beautifully. His brother is also down; he is a pleasant old man. Saturday, sister Betty leaves me .... George Macon calls to pay me some money [this is probably interest from Tom Meriwether's bond] which is very acceptable.