University of Virginia Library

April 9-15

Dark Days are upon us! Oh for one day of light. Sunday the 9th of April, General Lee surrendered the remains of the Army that left Richmond to General Grant at Appomattox Court House. This is a dark chapter in the history of the Old Mother of States and in the place of our proud motto we may well write Ichabod for our glory is gone. Our Hope seems to have bidden us adieu; may it be but for a season. We must learn to bear the yoke with meekness and patience and trust to the Good God to make it all right for us in His own good time. And our brave Old General, how his heart must ache for his country and all his brave men who have been with him through so much suffering. But both General and men must feel that no want of valor on their part has brought about the present state of affairs. Wednesday Dave gets back home as he finds he cannot get to The Army of Tennessee.