University of Virginia Library

May 15-21

Spend Sunday at home again ....We are still in anxiety about the result of this long weary blood battle. So far we believe our arms have the ascendancy but what will the end be? God only knows and in Him only can we look for deliverance from our foes. Jimmy Lewis up this week and tells us Bob is safe. He managed to make his escape when the Guns of the Battery and so many of the men were taken. The Cadets [from The Virginia Military Institute] have been sent down to General Lee with Jimmy Minor among them. It seems hardly right to put such boys, almost children, in the war. In the late fight in western Virginia [The Battle of New Market] under [General John C.] Breckinridge they were highly complimented for their bravery. Poor fellows, they suffered much too; had a good many killed and a large number wounded. We are in constant expectation of the Yankee Raiders. No trains running so we can get but little news.