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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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7th, of January Monday 1805 —

a verry cold Clear Day. The Themtr. Stood at 22°. below
0 Wind NW., the river fell 1 inch Several indians returned
from hunting, one of them the Big White Chief of the
Lower Mandan Village, Dined with us, and gave me a Scetch
of the Countrey as far as the high Mountains, & on the South
Side of the River Rejone,[7] he Says that the river rejone
recvees (receives) 6 Small rivers on the S. Side, & that the
Countrey is verry hilley and the greater part Covered with
timber Great numbers of beaver &c. the 3 men returned
from hunting, they killd., 4 Deer & 2 Wolves, Saw Buffalow a
long ways off. I continue to Draw a connected plott from the


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information of Traders, Indians & my own observation &
ideas. from the best information, the Great falls is about
(800) miles nearly West, [8]


An imperfect phonetic rendering of the French name Roche-Jaune, meaning
"Yellowstone," still applied to the river here described.—Ed.


Larocque says (Masson's Bourgeois, pp. 310, 311) that Lewis and Clark found
all the longitudes estimated by David Thompson to be inaccurate. He gives interesting
details as to the territorial claims of the United States, saying: "They include in
their territory as far north as River Qui appelle, for, as it was impossible for a line
drawn west from the west end of Lac des Bois to strike the Mississippi, they make it
run till it strikes its tributary waters, that is, the north branches of the Missouri and
from thence to the Pacific."—Ed.