University of Virginia Library

Sept. 20-26

At church and hear Dr. Harrold....Early Monday Sister Mary and Lizzie call by for me in the carriage to go shopping with them. We spend the day on the street and have a pleasant time; so much to hear from and say to her. Call to see Lizzie Dee and am introduced to Lizzie's friend, Mr. Cahill. Nannie A. is with us. Bob with us for a few days this week. He has gotten over his spell of fever but is not quite strong enough for the Army yet. Say goodbye to some of my soldier friends this week. They have been ordered to join their Regiments. Will we ever meet again and will the association have any influence on my life? The Father only can answer the question. Sister Mary tells me Lyd starts to school today ....Mary Lewis very sick. She is brought home from Mr. Maury's on Wednesday quite unwell and continued to get worse until Friday when there was a change for the better. We have gained a great victory out West lately. [General Braxton] Bragg and Co whipped [General William S.] Rosecranz [sic] near Chattanooga on the 27th ( I think) badly. May we give Him all the glory for without the help of His Almighty Power our enemy must trample us in the dust. Cool pleasant weather.