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The Distribution of Extras[65]

Now these are the thirteen days on which, for the love of God
and of the saints of those days, an extra allowance is to be given
to the prebends outside their own stipend, if that is not enough
or sufficiently satisfying. The extra is one loaf between two of
the vassals,[66] of the size which is made thirty to a modius, and
to each vassal a half pound of some kind of vegetable, and to
each a full beaker, whether it should be from out of the wine


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or, if that is not available, from the brothers' brew.[67] The days
are: the Lord's Nativity, on Holy Epiphany, the Mass of Lady
Balthilda[68] (and for that day the allowance is drawn from the
ministry of the chamberlain[69] ), Purification of St. Mary, on
Sunday the beginning of Lent, on Maundy Thursday, on
Holy Easter, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost, Mass of St. John
the Baptist, of St. Peter, of St. Martin, of St. Andrew.


Legislated by Council of 817 (VI), Corp. Cons. Mon. I, 474-75.


Vasalli is evidently used here as genus for species provendarii; but
above (367 l. 8) the casa vassallorum, within the compound, is listed as
having two prebends in service—a suggestion that the casa was a hospice
for visiting beneficiaries holding their beneficium from the abbot. At the
end of section 11 Adalhard lists in order: (1) famuli nostri vel matricularii,
(2) fratres, (3) vasalli, (4) ospites, (5) pulsantes vel scolarii, (6) singuli


Verhulst and Semmler, 1962, 256.


Queen Balthilda, founder and endower of Corbie.


ministerio camerarii: Verhulst and Semmler, 1962, 109, 266-67.