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Classified employees of the University are free to engage in all forms of political activity which do not interfere with the performance of the duties of their positions. If they choose to become candidates for elective office (e.g., membership in the General Assembly, the City Council, or the County Board of Supervisors), they will be expected to limit campaigning to off-duty hours, and any campaign activity in which they may engage during working hours will be chargeable to annual leave or leave without pay. Supervisors are encouraged to apply as liberal a policy as is consistent with maintaining the efficiency of the unit's operations toward the granting of annual leave or leave without pay and the adjustment of work schedules to enable the employee to conduct his campaign, and to serve in the office, if elected.

If a classified employee becomes a member of the General Assembly, he must assume leave status (either annual leave or leave without pay) during the time while the Assembly is in session. If he is called upon to perform duties or to exercise the functions of a member of the General Assembly at times when the Assembly is not in session, he must limit these activities to time outside University duty hours, or to time made available for them by his supervisor either by the granting of annual leave or leave without pay or by adjustment of work schedules.

If a classified employee becomes a member of a City Council or of a County Board of Supervisors, he may ordinarily continue in his employment at the University, provided that the duties of the office to which he has been elected can normally be performed outside regular University duty hours. Duty time spent on any activities incident to his Council or Board membership will be charged to annual leave or leave without pay, unless adjustments in his work schedule can be made which, in the judgment of his supervisor, will not impair the efficiency of his unit's operations.