University of Virginia Library

May 10-16

Do not go to church-roads too bad. Monday the 11th News. A great man has fallen! The great and good Jackson is no more. He died on Sunday the l0th at past three o'clock PM. With our weak faith and short sight it is hard for us to feel it is well and that we can do without him at such a time but God knows best and may He not think we are trusting too much in that "Arm of Flesh" forgetting that our Jackson was but a tool in His hands and for that reason He thought right to take him from us to remind us what we leant on and bring us back to look only to Him. It will in His own good time raise up others to us to free us from our enemies. General Jackson was a good Christian and has now gone to his reward. He has fallen in a good cause. His life for the last two years has been one of toil and tempest but he's at rest now where the wicked cease from troubling. No sound can awake him to glory again. A letter from little Sis. She is still looking or rather hoping for Jabe. Is still with Cousin Bab. Write to both her and Sue and also to Jabe. A letter from Lydia. She tells me Caroline [a slave woman at Music Hall] is dead. Sister Mary is so unfortunate. Henry Lewis calls to see us. Great excitement about corn. The government takes a good deal of Daddy's.