University of Virginia Library

March 1-7

Sunday the first day of Spring; rainy in the morning but a bright day. Some sad little crocus in bloom. They tell of bright days to come ....[Letters written and received.] .... [Sally] tells me she has not had a word from me of any one in Virginia since she left. The dear little woman seems so troubled not to hear from me; says she thinks so much about me. She is with Cousin Bab and seems satisfied except being separated from Jabe. He is still in N.C. so Lydia was mistaken ....[She] seems to regret much she did not come back with him. Thinks if they ever get together again she will never leave him. Tells me Jabe has heard of a brother and nephew in the Southern Army which pleases him much .... Dave leaves us for his regiment on Wednesday ....His brigade is now at Culpepper Court House and it is thought they are in route for the [Shenandoah] Valley. The day after he leaves we have a visit from Mr. Knight from Missouri who came on purpose to see Dave, being an old friend. He wants to get Dave off from the Army in Virginia and take him back to Missouri with him. I'm so sorry Dave missed him [but] I'm not anxious for him to take Dave away. Mr. Knight belongs to the Army in Arkansas but he could give me quite a lot of news of my friends in Missouri. Tells me brother Peter is still "in the brush" and has become an expert dodger. If the Feds could only catch him he would swing. The only mode of warfare practiced there now is bush whacking and it tells on the traitors too. He thinks Missouri is all right if she ever has a chance to be heard fairly. I hope so. Says a lot of our blood kin are right in spirit. Sam Eastin [her niece's husband] is with General Price in Mississippi. Little Sam Minor [Louisa's nephew], when he last heard from him, was prisoner in the house of the Feds and in the Penitentiary in Jefferson City; a Yankee Prison.