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Mvsica transalpina

Madrigales translated out of foure, fiue and sixe partes, chosen out of diuers excellent Authors, vvith the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, vpon tvvo Stanza's of Ariosto, and brought to speake English vvith the rest. Published by N. Yonge, in fauour of such as take pleasure in Musicke of voices

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[XXXVII. Some time my hope full weakly]
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[XXXVII. Some time my hope full weakly]

Some time my hope full weakly, went on by lyne & leasure

Some time my hope full weakly, went on by lyne & leasure, but now it growes to do my hart some pleasure, some time my hopefull weakly went on by lyne and leasure, but now it growes to do my hart some pleasure, to do my hart some pleasure, but now it growes to do my hart some pleasure, Yet that my hope decay not by ouer much contenting, Loue wil not giue my Ioyes their full augmenting, their full augmenting, their full augmenting, allayes my blisse that hope may be the faster, but still with some desaster, allayes my blisse that hope may be the faster, the faster, allayes my blesse that hope may be the faster.