University of Virginia Library


WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors and the University are preparing to launch The Campaign for the University of Virginia, an extraordinary undertaking to begin this day; and

WHEREAS, active preparation for the Campaign had been underway for three years under the direction of the Campaign Executive Committee, an able and dedicated group of volunteers whose work has been an expression of their devotion to the University; and

WHEREAS, the Campaign Executive Committee is being assisted by some five hundred volunteers and the two hundred fifty members of the Development community at the University; and

WHEREAS, among the five hundred alumni and friends who are volunteers is the committee which has been at work for two years to plan the Gala set for September 30th, the centerpiece and culmination of this weekend in celebration of the launching of the Campaign; and

WHEREAS, the weekend and the Gala show every promise of great success, and of being an occasion never to be forgotten in the annals of the University;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks the Campaign Executive Committee and all of the volunteers and the members of the Development community at the University for their dedication, unselfish service, and hard work, and congratulates them for this most auspicious beginning of The Campaign for the University of Virginia.