University of Virginia Library


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Monday April 28th 1806.

This morning early Yellept brought a very eligant white
horse to our camp and presented him to Capt. C. signifying
his wish to get a kettle but on being informed that we had
already disposed of every kettle we could possible spear he
said he was content with whatever he thought proper to give
him. Capt. C. gave him his swoard (for which he had expressed
a great desire
) a hundred balls and powder and some
s[m]all articles with which he appeared perfectly satisfyed. it
was necessary before we entered on our rout through the plains
where we were to meet with no lodges or resident indians that
we should lay in a stock of provision and not depend altogether
on the gun. we directed Frazier to whom we have
intrusted the duty of making those purchases to lay in as
many fat dogs as he could procure; he soon obtained ten.
being anxious to depart we requested the Cheif to furnish us
with canoes to pass the river, but he insisted on our remaining
with him this day at least, that he would be much pleased if
we would conse[n]t to remain two or three, but he would not
let us have canoes to leave him today. that he had sent for
the Chym nap′-pos[19] his neighbours to come down and join
his people this evening and dance for us. we urged the necessity
of our going on immediately in order that we might the
sooner return to them with the articles which they wished but
this had no effect, he said that the time he asked could not make
any considerable difference. I at length urged that there was
no wind blowing and that the river was consequently in good
order to pass our horses and if he would furnish us with canoes
for that purpose we would remain all night at our present
encampment, to this proposition he assented and soon produced
us a couple of canoes by means of which we passed our
horses over the river safely and hubbled them as usual. we
found a Shoshone woman, prisoner among these people by
means of whome and Sahcahgarweah we found the means of
conversing with the Wallahwallahs. we conversed with them
for several hours and fully satisfyed all their enquiries with


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rispect to ourselves and the objects of our pursuit. they were
much pleased. they brought several diseased persons to us
for whom they requested some medical aid. one had his knee
contracted by the rheumatism, another with a broken arm &c.
to all of which we administered much to the gratification of
those poor wretches. we gave them some eye-water which I
beleive will render them more essential service than any other
article in the medical way which we had it in our power to
bestoe on them. [Cap C Splintered the arm of the man which
was broke
.] soar eyes seem to be a universal complaint amonge
these people; I have no doubt but the fine sand of these
plains and river (fishing on the waters too) contribute much to
this disorder, ulsers and irruptions of the skin on various
parts of the body are also common diseases among them. a
little before sunset the Chymnahpos arrived; they were about
100 men and a few women; they joined the Wallahwollahs
who were about the same number and formed a half circle
arround our camp where they waited very patiently to see our
party dance. the fiddle was played and the men amused
themselves with dancing about an hour. we then requested
the Indians to dance which they very cheerfully complyed
with; they continued their dance untill 10 at night. the
whole assemblage of indians about 550 men women and
children sung and danced at the same time. most of them
stood in the same place and merely jumped up to the time
of their music. some of the men who were esteemed most
brave entered the spase arrond which the main body were
formed in solid column, and danced in a circular manner sidewise.
at 10 P.M. the dance concluded and the natives retired;
they were much gratifyed with seeing some of our party
join them in their dance.


A tribe known later as Yakima, resident on the river of that name; both they
and the Wallawallas were of the Shahaptian family.—Ed.