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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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Abbot Gozbert not only stopped, but reversed this trend
and thus led the monastery into an age of unprecedented
prosperity. Even in the first year of his abbacy he scored a
brilliant success by obtaining territorial independence from
the see of Constance.[65] Two years later, in 818, the monastery
was granted the formal immunity of a royal abbey.[66] In
the years that followed, Gozbert not only retrieved, through
vigorous litigation, the rights and properties that the abbey
had lost through fraud and lawless alienation, but augmented
its wealth beyond all previous standards by his skill
in soliciting additional gifts.[67] By 830 the monastic economy
had gathered sufficient strength to enable him to launch his
most ambitious project, the monastery's architectural reconstruction.

We are well informed about this project by reliable
contemporary sources that tell us that Gozbert started the
work by destroying the old church, and that he progressed
with the new church so rapidly that it could be dedicated in
837 (one year after his resignation) in the presence of the
bishops of Constance and Basel, and the abbot of the
nearby monastery of Reichenau.[68] It was Gozbert's need
for proper guidance in the execution of this building project
that had prompted him to request, from a churchman of
higher rank, the copy of a master plan for a monastic
settlement, which we now know as the Plan of St. Gall. To
what extent he used the Plan in pursuing this task will be
discussed in a later chapter.


On the relation of St. Gall to Constance, see Mayer, 1952. For other
literature on Gozbert's achievements, see Duft's "Gozbert," 1964, 692.


The document, which frees the monastery from the control of the
Bishop of Constance and places it under the sole and direct jurisdiction of
Emperor Louis the Pious, is reprinted in Wartmann, I, 1863, 226,
No. 234.


With regard to Gozbert's contributions to the economic growth of St.
Gall, see Bikel, 1914, 10ff; and Hecht, I, 1928, 17.


An excellent summary of Abbot Gozbert's progress in rebuilding the
church will be found in Hecht, ibid., 29ff with ample reference to the
original sources, the most important of which is Ratperti casus sancti
chap. 16; ed. Meyer von Knonau, 1872, 28ff. Cf. also Poeschel,
1961, 29ff.