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Wednesday 24th of September 1806

I sleped but little last night however we rose early and
commenc[e]d wrighting our letters Capt Lewis wrote one to
the presidend[31] and I wrote Govr. Harrison[32] & my friends in
Kentucky and Sent of[f] George Drewyer with those letters
to Kohoka & delivered them to Mr. Hays &c. we dined with
Mr. Chotoux to day, and after dinner went to a store and


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purchased some clothes, which we gave to a Tayler and derected
to be made. Capt. Lewis in opening his trunk found
all his papers wet, and some seeds spoiled.


See our vol. vii, Appendix, for Lewis's letter to Jefferson; also Clark's letter to
George Rogers Clark (Sept. 24), Clark's letter to Charbonneau (Aug. 20), and contemporary
newspaper notices of the expedition.


William Henry Harrison, then Governor of the Northwest Territory, with headquarters
at Vincennes. See Clark's earlier letter to him from Fort Mandan, in our
vol. vii, Appendix.—Ed.