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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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16th.. of October Tuesday 1804—

Some rain this morning, 2 young squars verry anxious to
accompany us, we Set out with out Chief on board by name
Ar ke tar na shar or Chief of the Town, a little above our
camp on the L.S. passed a circular work, where the, Shăr há
or Chien, or Dog Indians formerly lived a short distance
above passed a Creek which we call Chien Creek (Chayenne or
Shar ha (Mr Hayley says Not Chien
), above is a willow Island
Situated near (1) the L. Side a large Sand bar above & on
both Sides (2) passed a Creek above the Island on the L.S.
call So-harch (or Girls) Creek, at 2 miles higher up (3) passed
a Creek on L.S. call Charpart[39] (or womins) Creek, passed
(5) an Island Situated in a bend to the S.S. this Isd. is about
1 1/2 Miles long, covered with timber Such as Cotton wood,
opsd. the lower point a creek coms in on [sentence incomplete
Ed.] the S.S. called by the Indians Kee tooch Sar
kar nar
[Keetooshsahawna—Biddle] (or place of Beaver)
above the Island a small river coms in about 35 yards wide
called War ra con ne[40] or (Elk Shed their horns). The Island
is called Carp Island by Ivens [Evans] Wind hard from the
N.W. Saw great numbers of Goats on the Shore S.S. proceeded
on Capt. Lewis & the Indian Chief walked on Shore,
soon after I discovered great numbers of Goats in the river,
and Indians on the Shore on each Side, as I approached or


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got nearer I discovered boys in the water Killing the goats
with Sticks and halling them to Shore, Those on the banks
Shot them with arrows and as they approachd. the Shore would
turn them back of this Gangue of Goats I counted 58 of
which they had killed on the Shore, one of our hunters out
with Cap Lewis killed three Goats, we passed the Camp on
the S.S. and proceeded 1/2 mile and camped on the L.S.
many Indians came to the boat to See, Some came across
late at night, as they approach they hollowed and Sung,
after Staying a short time 2 went for Some meat, and returned
in a Short time with fresh & Dried Buffalow, also goat, those
Indians Stayed all night, they Sung and was verry merry the
greater part of the night.

Course Distance & reffurences —16th Oct

North  Miles to a pt. on the S.S. Passed a Willow Island
L. S. (1) a Creek (2) above the Isd. & one at 2
miles further (3)
N. 10°. E.  6.  Miles to the upper point of Some Timber on the L.S.
opsd. the mouth of a Creek on the S.S. (4) passed
a Isld. on the S.S. (5) opsd. the Lower pt. of which
comes in a Creek (5)
North  1/2  Mile on the L. Side 
N. 30°. W.  Ml. on the L. point High Ld
N. 38°. W.  Miles to a point on the S.S. 
14 1/2 

Course Distance & reffurence.—17th. Oct.

N. 10°. E.  1 1/2  Miles to a pt. on the L.S. 
North  1/2  ml. on the L.S. 
N. 10°. W.  1/2  Ml. on the L.S. 
N. 33°. W.  3 1/2  Mls. to the Commencement of Some woods on the S.S. 

☞ note from the Ricares to the River Jacque near N.E.
is about 40 mls. to the Chien a fork of R Rogue[41] . 20 (further)
passing the Souix River near the Chien this from information
of Mr. Graveline who passed through this Countrey.


These names are spelled by Biddle, Sohawch and Chapawt; he says that they
are Arikara words.—Ed.


The present name is Big Beaver Creek; at its mouth is the town of Emmons-burg,
N. D.—Ed.


Meaning Rouge—that is, Red River (of the North). —Ed.