University of Virginia Library

March 30-April 5

Sunday a bad day. The heaviest sleet I can remember. Quite an excitement Sunday night. After we had retired for the night, a knock was heard at the door. We concluded at once that Jabe had come. Lydia and I rushed down stairs in our night riggin but we jumped at the conclusion too soon and was doomed to disappointment. It turned out to be one of the young Magruders. Brother Jim thinks I had better make a little visit home now as he is much better and Jabe writes word he sees no chance for him to get off, so I fix on Tuesday but Monday night Jabe arrives very unexpectedly so I give out going just now. Jabe is very poorly; is confined to his room part of the time. Indeed he got off on sick leave. We are so happy to see him but sorry to see him so poorly but better have him sick then not at all. Brother Jim not so well from the middle of the week. He is more feeble then I've seem him yet. Jabe's won't give me much satisfation about him. I believe he thinks it a hopeless case. For a week past some symptoms of his disease have changed entirely. He has now terrible vomiting spells. It is difficult to keep anything on his stomach. I fear it is a change for the worse. A letter from home and one from Bob. He is now near Warrenton. A visit from my Black Mammy. It made me feel real happy, the sight of anything from home .... Miss Pidy leaves us Friday as her mother is sick and needs her care ....I'm sorry on the baby's account but she is a good little thing. Seems almost to know there are aching hearts around her and it was expected of her not to add to them. Mr. Coffman back for a few days, he is trying hard to get Mr. Carver off. Jabe, Sally and I take tea at Uncle Bob's one evening, the only visit he makes during the time he is up. We have nice times after we go upstairs at night. Lydia's and my room we use as a parlor; have a nice fire. He and Sally sit around and enjoy their pipes and we talk and read until bedtime. Since Brother Jim has been so sick we have to go to our rooms about dark so the house can be quiet so we got quite in the habit of entertaining our lady visitors in our chamber. Jabe was the only one of the male tribe who was permitted to invade our sanctum.